Recent experimental advancements in ultrafast pump-probe setups drive a growing need for efficient and insightful theoretical methods. This study will delve into the intricacies of our newly developed approach, the Dynamical Projective Operatorial Approach (DPOA). DPOA stands out as a highly efficient model-Hamiltonian method capable of calculating a wide range of single/multi-time single/multi-particle properties, such as excitation populations, out-of-equilibrium Green's functions, TR-ARPES signals, and various response functions. When dealing with transient optical properties, utilizing the DPOA formulation and capitalizing on the weak intensity of the probe pulse, we efficiently compute the linear response of the pumped system to a generic probe pulse, significantly accelerating calculations. Alongside the theoretical framework, we present noteworthy results that experimentalists can utilize to establish connections between observed effects and their underlying physical phenomena.