2D molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a promising material for the application in the flexible electronic, where large, uniform, crystalline films on flexible substrates are desired. The utilization of low-temperature plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) facilitates the production of large-area, uniform, polycrystalline MoS2 films on temperature-sensitive substrates. However, for next-generation electronics, the crystallite size does not fulfill requirements. In order to enhance the degree of crystallinity conventional high temperature post treatments of the whole sample, which are not compatible with flexible substrates, needs to be avoided. In this study, a method for increasing the crystallinity of polycrystalline MoS2 films on SiO2/Si and glass substrate deposited by plasma enhanced ALD processed with femtosecond laser pulses (λ = 1030 nm, tp = 200 fs), in a "cold" annealing process is presented. The laser fluence range varies from fmin = 3.0 mJ cm−2 to fmax = 30.00 m J−2 with scanning speeds from vscan,min = 1 mm s−1 to vscan,max = 1000 mm s−1, at a repetition rate of frep = 2000 kHz. The crystallization and the influence of the processing parameters on the film topography are analyzed in detail by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Finally, the influence of the laser processing on the film resistivity is investigated.