1.INTRODUCTIONThe assessment of tunnel road surface lighting quality is generally conducted using the average value method, which involves sampling the illuminance values at regular intervals. However, the traditional average value method has limitations, as it produces low accuracy, large errors, and fails to reflect the quality issues of tunnel lighting effectively. Han Zhen et al.[2] compared the effectiveness of bilinear interpolation and cubic interpolation methods in drawing illuminance curves and found that the cubic interpolation method outperformed the bilinear interpolation method and the traditional average value method. Liu Guangmeng[3] analyzed the interpolation results of ordinary kriging, cubic spline function, and inverse distance weighting methods and obtained the patterns of local interpolation errors for these three methods. This study establishes a two-dimensional interpolation model based on the inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation method and kriging interpolation method. It can accurately generate tunnel road surface illuminance curves using discrete samples of tunnel road surface illuminance values. This model can be utilized in the assessment of highway tunnel lighting quality. 2.THE CONCEPT AND SIGNIFICANCE OF TUNNEL ROAD SURFACE EQUAL ILLUMINANCE CURVESThe tunnel lighting fixture-road surface equal illuminance curves refer to the curves obtained by installing the lighting fixtures on the sidewalls of the tunnel at a certain inclination angle and plotting all the points on the tunnel floor with the same illuminance values using an appropriate coordinate system (rectangular or polar coordinates), as shown in Fig.1. Fig.(1)a shows the simulation diagram of tunnel lighting, while Fig.(1)b corresponds to the tunnel road surface equal illuminance curve. The tunnel road surface equal illuminance curve describes the illuminance values of all the lighting fixtures that produce lighting effects in the area, and it can reflect the operating status of the surrounding area’s lighting fixtures. To draw the tunnel road surface equal illuminance curve, the commonly used methods are the four-point illuminance measurement method or the center point illuminance measurement method. Ignoring the reflection of light from the tunnel’s internal structures on the lighting fixtures, the illuminance value at the selected measurement points on the tunnel road surface can be calculated based on the lighting effects of the respective fixtures at that point. In the equation, E represents the illuminance value at the selected measurement point; n is the number of lighting fixtures that produce lighting effects at that point; Ii is the luminous intensity of the i-th lighting fixture in the direction of θi; ri is the distance from the measurement point to the i-th lighting fixture. The tunnel road surface equal illuminance curve is of great significance for tunnel lighting design and engineering inspection. It can not only verify whether the tunnel lighting facilities meet the requirements of “Code for Highway Tunnel Lighting Design” (JTG/T D70/2—01—2014), but also assess whether the lighting facilities meet the visual requirements for tunnel driving. 3.TUNNEL ROAD SURFACE ILLUMINANCE DATA COLLECTION EXPERIMENT3.1Select Experimental EnvironmentThe experimental road is the Caiban Valley Tunnel on the S229 Yipi Road in Shandong Province. The tunnel is 402m long on one side and has a symmetric layout of lighting fixtures on both sides. The speed limit on the road is 80 km/h, and the tunnel has an asphalt road surface. The sidewalls are coated with fire-resistant material, and the luminance ratio is between 0.7 and 0.8. 3.2Experimental environment set-upTo avoid daylight interference and obtain better data on road surface illuminance of the tunnel environment, the road surface illuminance collection experiment was conducted during the night. Fig.2(a) shows a photo of the experimental site for road surface illuminance collection in the tunnel, and Fig.2(b) provides a schematic diagram of the experimental setup, along with the following explanation: The lighting fixtures are installed on one side of the tunnel at a 45° angle with respect to the horizontal plane. The experiment includes both single lighting fixture road surface illuminance collection and multiple lighting fixtures road surface illuminance collection in the tunnel. 3.3Experimental data acquisitionThe tunnel road surface illuminance was measured using the TES 1355 illuminance meter by TES, as shown in Fig.3(a). The meter is capable of measuring illuminance values ranging from 0 to 400K Lux and has an incident light cosine angle that meets the requirements of the experiment. Fig.3(b) illustrates the setup of the road surface illuminance collection points in the tunnel, with each point measuring 0.5m × 0.5m. The X-axis is parallel to the direction of travel, and the Y-axis is perpendicular to the direction of travel. A plane coordinate system was established based on this setup for data collection and storage. The illuminance data at each point of the road surface were collected using a grid. A data collection threshold of 10lx was set, and data points with illuminance values lower than 10lx were considered as boundaries of effective road surface illuminance and were not included in the dataset. A portion of the collected dataset is shown in Table.1. The collected discrete data was visualized in three dimensions using Matlab, as shown in Fig.4. Table.1Tunnel road illumination data set
4.ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL INTERPOLATION MODEL FOR TUNNEL ROAD SURFACEThe main task of spatial interpolation is to simulate the predicted values of unknown points or regions based on the measured values of sampling points[4], as shown in Fig.5. Spatial interpolation has evolved from simple mathematical formulas in the early stages to being able to interpolate information data with spatial autocorrelation, and can handle increasingly complex interpolation environments. It is widely used in various fields such as environmental analysis, soil analysis, and terrain analysis. The evaluation of tunnel road lighting quality involves setting measurement points on the tunnel road surface and interpolating the collected illuminance values to obtain the overall distribution of road surface illuminance in the tunnel. This enables the assessment of tunnel lighting quality. In this study, the inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation method and kriging interpolation method were used to interpolate the discrete data of road surface illuminance from the lighting fixtures in the tunnel environment. Comparative analysis was conducted to compare the interpolation results. 4.1Inverse Distance Weighting Interpolation MethodThe principle of geospatial information statistics followed by Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation is that objects closer to each other are more similar than objects that are farther apart[6]. As shown in Fig.6, the illuminance value of a luminaire at a point P in space can be calculated using Equation (2), while the illuminance value of an adjacent point Q in the same plane can be calculated using Equation (3). where EP,EQ are the illuminance values of the luminaire at point Р, Q respectively, I1,I2 are the luminous intensity of the luminaire in the direction of θ1,θ2. r1,r2 are the linear distance of the luminaire in space from point Р, Q and can be calculated by equation (4). where θ2 = θ1 + α, which is substituted into equations (2), (3) and (4) to obtain equation (5): When point Р and point Q are in a similar circle,I1 ≈ I2, and the values of EP and EQ are similar The similarity is higher, while when the point P and the point Q are in a farther circle, does not hold and the similarity between EP and EQ is worse. In summary, the distribution of luminaire illuminance values in the space plane is in accordance with the principle of inverse distance weight (IDW) interpolation, and it is theoretically feasible to use the IDW interpolation method to interpolate the luminaire plane illuminance. The mathematical description of the IDW interpolation method is shown in equation (6)[7]. Where Z*(S0) is the predicted value at point S0, N is the number of surrounding sample points selected for interpolation at point S0, Z(Si) is the measured value at sample point Si;, and λi is the weight of the influence of the ith sample point on the predicted value at point S0. λi can be calculated by equation (7). Where di0 is the distance between the prediction point S0 and each sampling point, and p is the power of the distance. As the distance between the sampling point and the prediction point increases, the influence of the sampling point on the weight of the prediction point decreases exponentially, but the sum of the weights of all the sampling points used to predict the S0 value is 1. In this paper, the experimental data were processed and statistically analyzed using EXCEL software, and the initial experimental data were interpolated by inverse distance weights (IDW) through Matlab, and the iso-illumination curves and 3D plots were made. First make p = 2, whereupon we have, and interpolate according to this interpolation formula to obtain Fig.7(a), (b), (C). Letting p = 4 again, we have , and interpolation according to this interpolation formula yields Fig.7(d), (e), (f). Figures 7(a), (b), (c) show the 3D plots, the iso-illumination curve plots and the general overview of the interpolation results obtained byinterpolation, respectively. From Fig.7(a).p = 2interpolation of the 3D plot of the interpolated surface and the fit of the original data points, it can be seen that when p = 2, the inverse distance weight interpolation method is less effective in the regions with higher and lower illuminance, but good in the regions where the illuminance value transitions from high to low, and Fig.7(b).p = 2 interpolation of the iso-illuminance plot shows that there are more More anomalous data points. Fig.7(d), (e), (f) show the 3D plots, the iso-illumination curve plots and the general overview of the interpolation results obtained by interpolation, respectively. As can be seen from Fig.7(d).p = 4 interpolated 3D plots, the interpolated surfaces of the inverse distance weight interpolation method in all interpolated regions fit the original data better at p = 4 than at p = 2, and the iso-illuminance plots drawn from the interpolated data are smoother and free of anomalous data points. The interpolation results for p = 2 and p = 4 were analyzed in terms of the interpolation loss time, the smoothness of the interpolation results, and the fit of the interpolated surface to the original data for each algorithm with the same interpolation grid, and are shown in Table.2. Table.2Comparison of interpolation results for different distance powers
Analysis of the interpolation results for different powers of the inverse distance weights shows that the smoothness of the interpolated surface is better when p = 4 than when p = 2, that the boundary transition of the iso-illumination curve drawn from the interpolated data in the selected region is smoother, and that the interpolated surface fits the original data to a greater extent. 4.2Kriging interpolation methodThe Kriging interpolation method, also known as the spatial self-covariance best interpolation method[8], takes full account of the spatial relationship between known and unknown points, and its estimation formula is: Where Z*(S0) is the predicted value at point S0, N is the number of surrounding sample points selected for interpolation at point S0, Z(Si) is the measured value at sample point Si;, and λi is the weight of the influence of the ith sample point on the predicted value at point S0. Unlike the inverse distance weight interpolation, the entry is not a function of the inverse distance correlation, but rather an optimal set of coefficients that can satisfy the minimum difference between the predicted value Z*(S0)and Z(S0) at point S0, The mathematical assumptions of the Kriging interpolation method are that the spatial property Z (x, y) is homogeneous, that the values of the spatial coordinates are unknown but have a constant value E[Z(x,y)] = μ and the same variance σ2, and that the unbiased estimation condition E(Z*(S0) – Z(S0)) = 0. To ensure the unbiased estimability of the valuation to be made, there also exists . When using kriging interpolation to predict unknown points based on planar finite data points[9], the covariance functions of Eqs. (9), (10), and (11) are used. where:(xi,yi) and (xj,yj) are the plane coordinates of the i-th and j-th illuminance measurement points, and Ci,j· is the covariance of the illuminance values of the i-th and j-th illuminance measurement points. The illuminance values at different spatial locations are measured as a function of di,j and 𝛾(di,j). Spherical functions, exponential functions, linear equations and Gaussian functions are commonly used to fit the relationship between di,j and 𝛾(di,j), and this topic chose to interpolate the illuminance plane through exponential functions as well as Gaussian functions, and the interpolation results are shown in Fig.8. Figures 8(a), (b) and (e) show the 3D plots, iso-illumination plots and overview plots of the interpolation results obtained by fitting the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions to the exponential function, respectively. As can be seen from the fit of the interpolated surface to the original data points in Fig.8(a) for the exponential function interpolation 3D plot, the kriging interpolation method fits the illuminance throughout the region as expected when fitting the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) function relationships by the exponential function, and there are no data outliers in the smooth transition from high to low illuminance regions. Fig.8(d), (e) and (f) show the interpolated three-dimensional plots, the iso-illumination curve plots and the general overview of the interpolation results when fitting the relationship between the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions by Gaussian functions, respectively. As can be seen in Fig.8(d) for the Gaussian function interpolation, when fitting the relationship between the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions by the Gaussian function, the Kriging interpolation method produces multiple data anomalies pooling at the edges of the interpolated region, while the interpolated surfaces in other regions fit the original data points more closely. The mean square error of the kriging interpolation results for the exponential function and the Gaussian function fitted to the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) function relationship were analyzed and the results are shown in Fig.9. Fig.9(a) shows a plot of the mean square error of the kriging interpolation results by fitting the di,j,and 𝛾(di,j) function relationships through the exponential function. It can be seen through Fig.9(a) that the mean square error of the interpolation results of the illuminance values remains within a small range in the illuminance effective interval; Fig.9(b) shows a plot of the mean square error of the kriging interpolation results by fitting the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) function relationships through the Gaussian function. At the edges of the illumination effective interval, the interpolation results produce a large mean square error, but inside the interpolation interval the interpolation results have a smaller mean square error. Therefore, the relationship between the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions fitted by the exponential function is better than the Gaussian function in terms of the stability of the overall interpolation results. The interpolation effect of fitting the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) function relationships by exponential and Gaussian functions was analyzed in terms of the interpolation loss time, the smoothness of the interpolation results, the fit of the interpolation plane to the original data, and the overall stability of the interpolation results for each algorithm on the same interpolation grid, and is given in Table.3. Table.3Analysis of interpolation results of different fitting functions
The analysis of the kriging interpolation results with different fitting functions shows that when the exponential function is used to fit the relationship between the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions, the smoothness of the interpolated surface is better than that of the kriging interpolation results with the Gaussian function, the boundary transition of the iso-illumination curve drawn from the interpolated data in the selected region is smoother, and the interpolated surface fits the original data to a greater extent, and the stability of the interpolation results is better. 5.CONCLUSIONBoth inverse distance weight (IDW) and kriging interpolation are based on discrete data with spatial attributes, and the relevant mathematical models are used to calculate the unknown points. When the results of the IDW and Kriging interpolation are analyzed, it can be seen that the interpolated surfaces obtained from the Kriging interpolation model are much better fitted to the original data than the IDW interpolation, mainly due to the fact that the IDW interpolation weights are affected by the spatial distance. resulting in errors. In the interpolation of the illumination plane by kriging, the smoothness of the interpolation results, the fit of the interpolation plane to the original data and the overall stability of the interpolation results are all better when the exponential function is used to fit the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions than when the Gaussian function is used to fit the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions. Therefore, the best interpolation results are obtained by using Kriging’s interpolation method with exponential functions to fit the di,j and 𝛾(di,j) functions when plotting illumination curves for tunnel pavements based on discrete data. REFERENCEHu X, Yang M, Chen J, et al.,
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