The Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager (SSAXI-Rocket) is a ride-along instrument to the High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) Flare NASA sounding rocket launch campaign scheduled for the Spring 2024. In the short 5- minute rocket flight, SSAXI-Rocket will measure the soft X-ray near-peak emission phase of a large solar flare of GOES C-class or greater. The SSAXI-Rocket instrument has peak sensitivity to 10 MK solar plasma, similar to the current Hi-C flare extreme ultraviolet instruments, providing the exploration of the variability in heating and energy transport of solar flares. SSAXI-Rocket combines small X-ray focusing optic (Wolter-I) with onaxis imaging resolution of 9 arcseconds or better and high-speed readout CMOS detector, to image the flare soft X-rays at 5 hertz or faster, with minimized image saturation and pixel signal blooming. These high-time cadence measurements can help uncover the soft X-ray intensity variations which can provide constraints on the intermittent heating processes in the flare magnetic loops. SSAXI-Rocket is the testbed for technology that is planned for future heliophysics and astronomy SmallSat, CubeSat, and large satellite X-ray observatories.