Poster + Paper
24 October 2024 Hierarchical three-dimensional imaging using x-ray micro-/nano-tomography at BL20XU of SPring-8
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Conference Poster
A multiscale computed tomography (CT) system consisting of three CT systems with different field of view (FOV) and spatial resolutions, has been developed at BL20XU of SPring-8. One is a micro-CT (FOV 1mm/pixel size 0.5μm) with a simple projection optics from the undulator source. The second is a wide-field CT (FOV 6mm/pixel size 3μm), in which a beam diffuser is inserted in the optical path to widen the beam irradiation area to the sample. The third is a nano-CT for high resolution (FOV 60μm, pixel size 30 to 40nm), which is based on a full-field x-ray microscope using a Fresnel zone plate as the x-ray objective. This means that these three systems cover scales of more than five orders of magnitude in real space. These measurement modes can be easily changed between each other by users in 1 min without removing the sample from the stage. In order to measure samples with several millimeters in size, the nano-CT is capable of high energy regions of 15 to 37.78keV. In addition, a working distance of approximately 100mm is provided around the sample, allowing measurement with various test equipment, facilitating in-situ observation and operando measurement.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Akihisa Takeuchi, Masayuki Uesugi, Yuki Sada, and Kentaro Uesugi "Hierarchical three-dimensional imaging using x-ray micro-/nano-tomography at BL20XU of SPring-8", Proc. SPIE 13152, Developments in X-Ray Tomography XV, 131521R (24 October 2024);
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X-ray computed tomography

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