13 May 2024 Analysis of influence of concentration difference in solution dehumidification system based on solution recirculation structure
Guangtao Zhang, Guangkai Zhang, Xueping Lv, Bowen Li
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Proceedings Volume 13159, Eighth International Conference on Energy System, Electricity, and Power (ESEP 2023); 131592J (2024)
Event: Eighth International Conference on Energy System, Electricity and Power (ESEP 2023), 2023, Wuhan, China
In a liquid desiccant dehumidification system, the setting of solution recirculation can enable the reuse of a portion of the solution, resulting in good dehumidification and energy-saving effects. The concentration difference between the concentrated and dilute solutions determines the dehumidification effect when the system is in equilibrium. Therefore, the influence of different dehumidification-regeneration solution recirculation ratios (Cs,deh, Cs,reg) on the equilibrium concentration difference of the system is crucial, but there is still a certain gap in this area of research. To fill this gap, this paper constructs a liquid desiccant dehumidification system with a solution recirculation structure. Based on the characteristics of the recirculation structure, solution recirculation is divided into three models: DR model - only dehumidification solution recirculation (Cs,reg =0), RR model - only regeneration solution recirculation (Cs,deh =0), and DRR model - simultaneous setting of dehumidification-regeneration solution recirculation. A mathematical model is established to parameterize the equilibrium concentration difference and COP of the system. The results show that compared with the single-cycle model (NR model: Cs,deh= Cs,reg =0) of traditional liquid desiccant dehumidification systems, setting up a solution recirculation structure can significantly improve the COP of the system: The maximum COP under DR model, RR model and DRR model are 6.6 times, 7.0 times and 12.1 times that of NR model respectively.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Guangtao Zhang, Guangkai Zhang, Xueping Lv, and Bowen Li "Analysis of influence of concentration difference in solution dehumidification system based on solution recirculation structure", Proc. SPIE 13159, Eighth International Conference on Energy System, Electricity, and Power (ESEP 2023), 131592J (13 May 2024);
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Mathematical modeling

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