Advanced missile seeker technologies and missile propulsion systems with reduced electrooptical signatures constitute a serious threat to military platforms. Seekers using multiple spectral bands may be hard to jam using current countermeasure systems. Imaging seekers may have adaptive tracking algorithms to suppress the effect of current countermeasure strategies. Furthermore, countermeasures can only be used if a threat has been declared. Low-signature propellants in combination with the missile seen in head-on angle, where a bigger portion of the missile plume is shielded by the missile body, will make it extremely hard to detect the missile with current warning sensor systems. We report on the objectives and the status of the EDA CAT B project DEBELA (Detect Before Launch), which tries to address this threat, and which looked into potential technologies for future self-protection systems. The project focusses on within visual range threats and electrooptical sensors only. Candidate-technologies have been identified and tested in a field experiment on the premises of the Bundeswehr Technical Center (WTD 52) in Oberjettenberg, Germany.