3 January 2025 The impact of aerosols on the modification of winter raindrop characteristics in Northern Taiwan
Long Nguyen-Dinh Hoang, Chian-Yi Liu, Charles C.-K. Chou, Kao-Shen Chung
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The cloud-to-rain process has been proposed as highly temporal, while the in-depth research on this topic in the winter season and the variation due the air pollution remains underexplored in recent studies. On the basis of advanced instruments including the Parsivel-disdrometer and the Himawari 8/9 satellite, we investigated the raindrop size distribution and rain parameters of warming cloud rain during the winter seasons of 2022 and 2023 in Northern Taiwan. In addition, we selected subsamples under different air pollution scenarios which are based on the surface PM2.5 concentration thresholds. Preliminary analysis results suggested that rainfall under a warming cloud generally had tighter distributions with smaller drop sizes but higher concentrations compared to typical rain. In terms of rain rates, drizzle had higher concentrations of smaller drops, while light rain exhibited higher concentrations of larger drops and greater liquid water content. However, light rain under warming rain conditions showed a higher likelihood of forming large drops. The lower value of PM2.5 concentrations within warming cloud rain is a main reason to suppress the formation of larger raindrops and heavier rainfall. This result may cause the slightly intensity of precipitation as drizzle and light rain of warming cloud rain, revealing to the scavenging effect of precipitation due to the less availability of aerosol. Our studies encourage for understanding the relationship between cloud properties, aerosol concentrations, and rain parameters in high-temporal resolution can help improve weather forecasting and inform strategies to manage air quality and its impact on weather systems.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Long Nguyen-Dinh Hoang, Chian-Yi Liu, Charles C.-K. Chou, and Kao-Shen Chung "The impact of aerosols on the modification of winter raindrop characteristics in Northern Taiwan", Proc. SPIE 13262, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation VIII, 132620J (3 January 2025);
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Air contamination

Temperature distribution


Light emitting diodes

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