17 October 2024 A new digital video encryption algorithm based on composite chaotic mapping
Li Tu, Zhen Liu, Yan Wang, Gelan Yang
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Proceedings Volume 13289, International Conference on Optical Communication and Optoelectronic Technology (OCOT 2024); 1328905 (2024)
Event: The International Conference on Optical Communication and Optoelectronic Technology (OCOT 2024), 2024, Hangzhou, China
In order to improve the security and efficiency of video encryption and improve the speed of video encryption, in this study a video encryption algorithm is proposed based on Tent chaotic mapping and Arnold mapping. Firstly, generated a chaotic sequence by using Tent mapping, and performed type conversion on this sequence; imported a video to be encrypted and read in the specified frame image, separated this image into three channels: red channel, green channel, and blue channel, combined the three channels to form a large matrix; then, performed row and column scrambling by using chaotic sequence, and then performed a secondary scrambling by using Arnold mapping; finally, performed XOR operation on the scrambled matrix to obtain the diffusion matrix, converted the diffusion matrix into three channel images, and then obtain a ciphertext frame image. The simulation results show that: The encryption algorithm is very sensitive to the initial key, and the initial value sensitivity performance reaches10-12,the key space is 2×1023,the average correlation coefficient of adjacent pixels in encrypted image is -0.000087, which is very close to the ideal value of 0.This encryption algorithm can well resist the attack of statistical analysis and it has a good encryption effect on video.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Li Tu, Zhen Liu, Yan Wang, and Gelan Yang "A new digital video encryption algorithm based on composite chaotic mapping", Proc. SPIE 13289, International Conference on Optical Communication and Optoelectronic Technology (OCOT 2024), 1328905 (17 October 2024);
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