18 November 2024 Optimization of pulsed thulium fiber pre-amplifier with wavelength of 1908.06 nm
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Proceedings Volume 13398, Fourth International Conference on Optics and Communication Technology (ICOCT 2024); 133980J (2024)
Event: Fourth International Conference on Optics and Communication Technology (ICOCT 2024), 2024, Nanjing, China
We researched and optimized the output characteristics of the pulse seed laser and the pre-amplifier. Based on acoustooptic external modulation technology, the effects of forward, backward, and bidirectional pumping modes on the output power and Amplified Spontaneous Emission(ASE) suppression of the pre-amplifier stage are studied. Using optimum fiber lengths of 3.0 m and 1.5 m in seed laser and pre-amplifier, the maximum laser output power of 1.41 W and the slope efficiency of ~16.3% operated at 1908.06 nm are achieved at a repetition rate of 1 MHz and a duty cycle of 80%, respectively. The ASE suppression ratio of 40.0 dB with the input pumping power of 10.88 W is achieved. In the pre-amplifier laser, no self-oscillation or nonlinear effects were observed, indicating that the incorporation of the pre-amplification structure can effectively suppress ASE. The dependence of the amplifier performances on optimum fiber length are also discussed in this paper.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Miao Yu, Kai Yu, Kaihui Gu, and Yu Liu "Optimization of pulsed thulium fiber pre-amplifier with wavelength of 1908.06 nm", Proc. SPIE 13398, Fourth International Conference on Optics and Communication Technology (ICOCT 2024), 133980J (18 November 2024);
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Pulse signals

Fiber lasers

Pulsed laser operation




Fiber amplifiers

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