18 November 2024 Adaptive GNSS-5G fusion localization method based on active noise prediction
Xin Wen, Zichao Qin, Nanzhu Liu, Tianhao Yuwen, Tenghao Yu, Jingyi Cui, Runzhang Shi
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Proceedings Volume 13398, Fourth International Conference on Optics and Communication Technology (ICOCT 2024); 133981P (2024)
Event: Fourth International Conference on Optics and Communication Technology (ICOCT 2024), 2024, Nanjing, China
To address the challenge of adaptive fusion of asynchronous data in GNSS-5G integrated positioning, we propose an adaptive method for GNSS-5G integrated positioning based on active noise prediction. First, a GNSS-5G fusion scheme based on sequential filtering is introduced, taking full advantage of the high update rate of 5G observations to achieve “multirate” fusion at the observation level. Next, a distance-dependent noise model is derived to quantitatively characterize the impact of the distance between the base station and the user on the covariance of the observation noise. Based on this model, an active noise prediction algorithm is proposed to adaptively adjust the observation noise covariance matrix to match the actual observation noise. This noise prediction algorithm requires no prior knowledge of the system configuration parameters, making it highly flexible. To efficiently handle mixed LOS and NLOS environments, a multirate switching strategy is designed to adaptively switch from the proposed method to the standard low-rate EKF, thus achieving “multi-rate” fusion at the positioning mode level.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xin Wen, Zichao Qin, Nanzhu Liu, Tianhao Yuwen, Tenghao Yu, Jingyi Cui, and Runzhang Shi "Adaptive GNSS-5G fusion localization method based on active noise prediction", Proc. SPIE 13398, Fourth International Conference on Optics and Communication Technology (ICOCT 2024), 133981P (18 November 2024);
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Satellite navigation systems

Tunable filters

Signal filtering




Covariance matrices

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