18 November 2024 Analysis of two-agent risk game strategies under parallel allocation
Tai Dong, Wei Huang
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Proceedings Volume 13403, International Conference on Algorithms, High Performance Computing, and Artificial Intelligence (AHPCAI 2024) ; 134031B (2024)
Event: International Conference on Algorithms, High Performance Computing, and Artificial Intelligence, 2024, Zhengzhou, China
We study the decision-making problems encountered by two agents in parallel allocation and introduce the concept of risk attitudes. Risk attitudes reflect the likelihood of success in a competitive parallel allocation scenario. The probability of success is zero for risk-averse individuals, whereas it is certain for risk-seeking individuals. Individuals with different risk attitudes can accordingly adjust their strategies. When both agents are risk-averse, we provide the strategic characteristics that satisfy the Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium (SPNE) and design an algorithm to find the SPNE strategies. We prove the algorithm's correctness and resolve the selection conflict issues caused by even and odd items. When both agents are risk-seeking, we similarly provide the strategic characteristics that satisfy the SPNE and design an algorithm to find the SPNE strategies. Finally, we present a strategic analysis demonstrating the non-existence of relevant SPNE when one agent is risk-seeking and the other is risk-averse.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tai Dong and Wei Huang "Analysis of two-agent risk game strategies under parallel allocation", Proc. SPIE 13403, International Conference on Algorithms, High Performance Computing, and Artificial Intelligence (AHPCAI 2024) , 134031B (18 November 2024);
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Parallel computing

Computer science

Decision making


Systems modeling


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