18 November 2024 Design and application of the standard tag set in the oil and gas pipeline domain
Quan Hui, Bing Liu, Jianchun Fan, Dehua Guo, Xiao Tan, Zeheng Peng
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Proceedings Volume 13403, International Conference on Algorithms, High Performance Computing, and Artificial Intelligence (AHPCAI 2024) ; 1340331 (2024)
Event: International Conference on Algorithms, High Performance Computing, and Artificial Intelligence, 2024, Zhengzhou, China
With the increasing use of digital technology across industries, standardization is undergoing a digital transformation. Machine-readable standards, characterized by their digital and structured nature, support this transformation. Standard tag sets, as specific applications of machine-readable standards, play a crucial role in creating information formats that comply with these standards, thereby improving efficiency in information processing. This study focuses on designing standard tag sets for the oil and gas pipeline domain. Through comprehensive requirements analysis, including overall and personalized needs assessment, we identify and address the challenges in developing, implementing, and maintaining these tag sets. Our research outlines the construction of both general and extended standard tag sets for oil and gas pipelines domain. The general standard tag sets mainly identify the structure of standards and technical indicators defined in standards. The extended standard tag sets achieve unification of technical element data in standards of different type by constructing domain ontology models. By proposing and implementing these standard tag sets, stored in the Neo4j database, we lay a strong foundation for knowledge organization and applications such as building oil and gas pipeline knowledge graphs. In conclusion, the standard tag sets that we put forward and design inject vitality into the digitization of the oil and gas pipeline industry, fostering innovation and development while providing essential support for its long-term progress.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Quan Hui, Bing Liu, Jianchun Fan, Dehua Guo, Xiao Tan, and Zeheng Peng "Design and application of the standard tag set in the oil and gas pipeline domain", Proc. SPIE 13403, International Conference on Algorithms, High Performance Computing, and Artificial Intelligence (AHPCAI 2024) , 1340331 (18 November 2024);
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