20 December 2024 Research on real-time traffic communication prediction method based on vehicle ad-hoc network technology
RuiQi Luo, Yan Liu, Yan Wu
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Proceedings Volume 13421, Eighth International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System (ICTETS 2024); 134213U (2024)
Event: Eighth International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System (ICTETS 2024), 2024, Dalian, China
To overcome the limitations of existing coupled simulation methods in achieving interaction between external agents and the environment, this study establishes a real-time traffic communication prediction model considering the impact of accidents based on vehicle mounted ad hoc network technology. Implement coupled traffic communication simulation based on existing frameworks, including V2I and V2V simulations, and save simulation data; Mining traffic V2V simulation data, constructing a relationship model between traffic environment and V2V communication based on machine learning methods, and further evaluating the performance of the model and the impact of various indicators. The research content contributes to the construction of an intelligent agent traffic communication coupled simulation platform, which better simulates vehicle road communication, realizes the interaction between external intelligent agents and the environment, and is used for traffic management and control.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
RuiQi Luo, Yan Liu, and Yan Wu "Research on real-time traffic communication prediction method based on vehicle ad-hoc network technology", Proc. SPIE 13421, Eighth International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System (ICTETS 2024), 134213U (20 December 2024);
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Computer simulations

Performance modeling


Statistical modeling

Decision trees

Machine learning

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