16 January 2025 Seismic performance study of electromechanical antiseismic support hangers under earthquake simulation conditions
Shangming Jiang, Lei Chen, Liangfu Ma, Lailai Yin
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Proceedings Volume 13447, International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024); 1344738 (2025)
Event: International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024), 2024, Wuhan, China
In order to investigate the low-damage characteristics of electromechanical antiseismic support hangers under seismic conditions, vibration table tests on the antiseismic support hangers of non-structural components were conducted. The test subjects were seismic support hangers for pipelines designed and installed according to the "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" GB 50011-2010. The structural system mainly consists of anchoring devices, reinforced suspension rods, antiseismic connection components, pipeline connection components, and antiseismic braces. To study the influence of different seismic levels on the dynamic response of the structure, three seismic waves with peak ground acceleration of 0.07g, 0.2g, and 0.4g were used to comprehensively evaluate the seismic performance of the antiseismic support hangers. The test results show that during the vibration table seismic simulation test, the natural frequency of the structure does not change significantly with the increase of seismic intensity, and there is no obvious damage to the specimen and the support hangers. The antiseismic support hangers have a good inhibitory effect on the displacement response of the pipeline system, with a maximum relative displacement of only 17.9mm for the water pipe. However, the acceleration amplification coefficients in the X and Y directions are higher than the specified values in the Chinese code, indicating that the antiseismic support hangers cannot reduce the acceleration response. Strain along the antiseismic support hangers does not show stress concentration, and under seismic action, the braces can effectively protect the vertical suspension rods. Therefore, the installed antiseismic support hangers meet the requirements for use.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shangming Jiang, Lei Chen, Liangfu Ma, and Lailai Yin "Seismic performance study of electromechanical antiseismic support hangers under earthquake simulation conditions", Proc. SPIE 13447, International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024), 1344738 (16 January 2025);
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