28 August 1992 Comparative studies on transluminal angiomicroscopic and ex-vivo microscopic features of vascular lesions
Yasumi Uchida M.D., Takanobu Tomaru M.D., Fumitaka Nakamura M.D., Toshio Kamijo M.D., Atsuko Miwa M.D., Koichiro Yamada M.D., Tsuneaki Sugimoto
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To visualize small vascular luminal changes which can not be detected by conventional angioscope, a new angiomicroscopy system was developed and its feasibility was examined in anesthetized dogs and isolated human coronary artery. The system was composed of a 3 mm or 4 mm in diameter rigid angiomicroscope (magnification rate: 150 X on a 14 inch monitor), a CCD camera, and monitor television. An angiomicroscope was introduced in retrograde fashion through a sheath into the right iliac artery of anesthetized dogs, and the luminal changes were examined during infusion of saline. Details of the exfoliated endothelium and naked subendothelial layers, and the changes due to vasospasm, could be identified by the system. These changes could more easily be discriminated after staining with Evance blue, Tripan blue or Fucsin. In removed and perfused human coronary artery, small luminal changes due to atherosclerosis could also be identified. By simultaneous insertion of a metallic thread (70 (mu) in diameter) the size of the changes could be calibrated. Light microscopic examination was performed after removal and staining of the targeted portion. It was revealed that 10 (mu) or more in diameter could be discriminated. The results indicate potential use of this angiomicroscopy system for percutaneous transluminal identification of the small vascular changes which otherwise cannot be detected.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yasumi Uchida M.D., Takanobu Tomaru M.D., Fumitaka Nakamura M.D., Toshio Kamijo M.D., Atsuko Miwa M.D., Koichiro Yamada M.D., and Tsuneaki Sugimoto "Comparative studies on transluminal angiomicroscopic and ex-vivo microscopic features of vascular lesions", Proc. SPIE 1642, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Interventions II, (28 August 1992); Logo
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