4 May 1993 Excimer laser development and applications at the ENEA Frascati Centre
Tommaso Letardi, Sarah Bollanti, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Honglie Fang, Francesco Flora, Shufen Fu, A. M. Gerardino, Gualtiero Giordano, Nicola Lisi, Luca Mezi, Giovanni Schina, Amalia Torre, Cheng En Zheng
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Proceedings Volume 1810, 9th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers; (1993)
Event: Ninth International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, 1992, Heraklion, Greece
In this paper we intend to present some recent result obtained in our laboratory on excimer laser development and applications. Even if the activity has been initiated as long as 15 years ago after 1986, following the European Eurolaser Initiative, the programs were strengthened and enlarged to accommodate more ambitious goals, according to the increased attention to this field. Actually the activity includes the following: (1) development of source, (2) computer models, 3) special devices, and (4) applications. The description of our activity is presented according to the above mentioned order, with special attention to the most recent results.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tommaso Letardi, Sarah Bollanti, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Honglie Fang, Francesco Flora, Shufen Fu, A. M. Gerardino, Gualtiero Giordano, Nicola Lisi, Luca Mezi, Giovanni Schina, Amalia Torre, and Cheng En Zheng "Excimer laser development and applications at the ENEA Frascati Centre", Proc. SPIE 1810, 9th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, (4 May 1993); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Laser development


Excimer lasers

Pulsed laser operation

Chemical lasers



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1-kW industrial excimer laser (308-nm)
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