20 April 1993 Symbolic representation, modeling, and manipulation of arcs and lines
Kamran Reihani
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Proceedings Volume 1827, Model-Based Vision; (1993)
Event: Applications in Optical Science and Engineering, 1992, Boston, MA, United States
From a computational perspective, a general vision problem is considered by many to be an ill-posed problem. Currently, the dominant approach to characterizing vision computations is to categorize the required processings into low, intermediate, and high levels. This paper adopts a structural approach to vision that couples symbolic and numerical methods and discusses the semantics, modeling, and manipulation of symbolic descriptions of arc and line image structures for vision applications. Collectively, this approach demonstrates a logical perspective on the processes that occur in low, intermediate, and high levels of vision computations.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kamran Reihani "Symbolic representation, modeling, and manipulation of arcs and lines", Proc. SPIE 1827, Model-Based Vision, (20 April 1993);
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Visual process modeling

Computer vision technology

Numerical analysis

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