Interaction of laser radiation with matter ,so called high power optics (in Russian "Force optics "), is one of the leading areas of quantum electronics, laser and optical physics. Force optics (the term introduced for the first time by A.M.Bonch-Bruevich) came to being at the beginning of sixties years after lasers invention and is aimed to investigate mechanisms and regularities of photophysical processes occurring under the action of intense laser radiation in various substances (solids, gases, plasmas, etc.). GO! (S.I.Vavilov State Optical Institute) is one of the main scientific centers of the USSR in power optics from the advent. Beginning with 1962 fundamental and applied theoretical and experimental investigations on the most part of principal and actual trends in high power optics were carried. Independently significant works were made in other scientific centers of the USSR (in the first place in the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN, afterwards IOFAN)). Pioneering results in power optics were obtained in the Photophysical department of GOl. During 30 years of investigations there were published more than 200 articles by co—workers of the department, prepared more than 100 reports at various international, all-union conferences symposiums and seminars. All-union conferences on light interaction with matter have high authority among specialists. These conferences, with up to 500 specialists taking part and up to 250 reports, are traditionally organized by GOl once every three year, beginning with 1969. In the present article there are enlisted several results obtained in the photophysical department in various years and having principal meaning for developing the physical notions about laser radiation interaction with solids. Concrete results that does ifiustrate these notions are also given.