29 May 1980 New Technologies In Neurosurgery
V. A. Fasano, G. F. Lombard, F. Benech, S. Tealdi
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Proceedings Volume 0211, Optics and Photonics Applied to Medicine; (1980)
Event: Optics, Photonics, and Iconics Engineering Meeting, 1979, Strasbourg, France
The results of the operative treatment of brain tumors are considerably influenced by the surgical managements of the surrounding tissues. Edema, contusion, hemorragic soffusion,necrotic phenomena and impairements of C.S.F. circulation considerably influence the post-operative course especially in patients in whom the critical point of the rising of the intracranial pressure is reached. In this last year we have completely modified the operative techniques of the removing of some brain tumors (capsulate and deep tumors: meningiomas, acoustic neurinomas, pinealoma and hypophisis adenomas) by using the association of the operatory microscope, the CO2 LASER beam and the CUSA. The microscope allows a control of the topography of the lesion and its vessels. By using the CO2 LASER beam we can get a very precise section of the nervous tissues with very limited secondary effects; the hemostasis in the arteriolar and precapillary area is also considerably efficient. CUSA is a new instrument utilizing the most advanced ultrasonic concepts and techniques. The oscillation of a tip vibrating,at 23.000 times per second removes neoplastic tissue layer by layer; the tissue is fragmented and at the same time is aspirated and the operatory field is irrigated. By this techniques we have been able to improve considerably the post-operatory course and to extend the surgical indications.
© (1980) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
V. A. Fasano, G. F. Lombard, F. Benech, and S. Tealdi "New Technologies In Neurosurgery", Proc. SPIE 0211, Optics and Photonics Applied to Medicine, (29 May 1980); Logo
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