15 September 1995 CHARA optical/IR interferometric array project
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The Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) at Georgia State University is building an interferometric array of telescopes for high resolution imaging at optical and infrared wavelengths. The 'CHARA Array' will initially consist of five 1-m diameter telescopes arranged in a Y-shaped configuration with a maximum baseline of approximately 350 m. The facility will be located on Mt. Wilson, near Pasadena, California, a site noted for its stable atmoshperic conditions that often gives rise to exceptional image quality. The Array will be capable of submilliarcsecond imaging and will be devoted to a broad program of science aimed at fundamental stellar astrophysics in the visible and the astrophysics of young stellar objects in the infrared (2.2 micrometers ) spectral regions. This project has been supported by the National Sceince Foundation through Phase A feasibility and Phase B preliminary design stages, and NSF awarded 5.6 million dollars towards the construction of the facility in October 1994. Georgia State University is committed to providing an additional 5.8 million dollars in construction funds. The CHARA Array is expected to be operational late this decade. This paper will provide a summary overview of the project.
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Harold A. McAlister, William G. Bagnuolo Jr., Theo Armand ten Brummelaar, W. I. Hartkopf, Nils Henning Turner, and Stephen T. Ridgway "CHARA optical/IR interferometric array project", Proc. SPIE 2524, National Science Foundation (NSF) Forum on Optical Science and Engineering, (15 September 1995); Logo
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