19 January 1996 Techniques for video indexing
C. Y. Roger Chen, Dikran S. Meliksetian, Larry J. Liu, Martin Cheng-Shen Chang
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A data model for long objects (such as video files) is introduced, to support general referencing structures, along with various system implementation strategies. Based on the data model, various indexing techniques for video are then introduced. A set of basic functionalities is described, including all the frame level control, indexing, and video clip editing. We show how the techniques can be used to automatically index video files based on closed captions with a typical video capture card, for both compressed and uncompressed video files. Applications are presented using those indexing techniques in security control and viewers' rating choice, general video search (from laser discs, CD ROMs, and regular disks), training videos, and video based user or system manuals.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
C. Y. Roger Chen, Dikran S. Meliksetian, Larry J. Liu, and Martin Cheng-Shen Chang "Techniques for video indexing", Proc. SPIE 2617, Multimedia: Full-Service Impact on Business, Education, and the Home, (19 January 1996);
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Data modeling

Video compression


Video processing

Control systems

Video surveillance


MPEG audio-video synchronization
Proceedings of SPIE (January 17 1997)
SMIL and SVG in teaching
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