A complication of the tasks solving by the modem radliolocation, radionavigation and communication systems
connected with the demand promotion to the resolution and accuracy of coordinates definition and increase in the
volumes of transmitted information in satellite communication systems has resulted in boisterous mastering of
millimeter wave bands. Success in microwave technology reached in 80' allowed such leading instrument developing
companies as Hewlett Packard; EIP, lB millimeter etc. to set up an output of mm- and submm-wave bands devices and
systems. It has streamlined Scientific Technological Progress in several spheres, since millimeter, through infra-red
frequency range was closed to researchers for a long period of time because of the absence of necessary equipment. At
present microwave devices of the short-wave part of mm- wave band and of submm- wave bands are used not only in
radiolocation and communications. Unique diagnostic systems based on the analysis of the radiation parameters of
different microwave sources were created. They have their application in medicine, thermonuclear energetics,
radioastronomy, biology, nuclear physics, the physics of the solid state body, geology, etc.
The above circumstances caused the beginning of the measuring microwave technology researches in 60 to
600 GHz frequency range: generators, power and frequency meters, spectrum analyzers. The task of working out
equipment and techniques of the effective control as well as frequency and intensity measurements of the microwave
signals in the investigated range is of the special interest.
Here are some examples. The creation of a thermonuclear reactor in ITER project is considered to be the project
of the century in the energetics sphere. One of the basic engineering tasks in the course of project realization is the
creation of the diagnostic equipment realizing in real time spectrum analysis of thermonuclear plasma radiation at the so
called cyclotron hannonics. Such analysis allow to get the picture of temperature distribution along the plasma cord
diameter in accordance with dynamics of thermonuclear process development.
Modem raclioastronomic research gives scientists the unique information on the world tructure. It is also necessary
to analyze Space microwave radiation providing exclusive sensitivity of the equipment.
In both cases equipment is required to be superwide band, to have high sensitivity and ability to operate at more
than 300 GHz frequencies. Today all these requirements are met by the devices using the ac Josephson effect. The
Josephson junctions are used as an active transforming element in such devices. At the end of 20 century the sphere of
their utilization embraces medicine, communications, radiophysics, space exploration, ecology, military use, etc.
The State Research Center "Fonon" ( SRC "Fonon") of the State Committee on Science and Technology of
Ukraine was founded in 1991. The main aim of its creation was to concentrate the scientific and financial efforts for
development and production of unique devices based on the results of fundamental study in physics of high T
superconductivity. First of all we were interested in technological research on the obtaining of low impedance Josephson
junctions out of the High T thin films. Using such junctions in combination with our original techniques developed in
our Center we have succeed in creating the following new generation equipment: industrial set-up of the frequency
meter in the range of 60 ... 600 GHz; experimental set-up of the spectrum analyzer operating in the range of 50
250 GHz; experimental model of radiometric receiver in 180...260 GHz range. All the above devices are based on the
using ac Josephson effect for the receiving and processing mm- and submm- microwave signals.