26 June 1997 Application of X.700 network management standards to a communications management system architecture
Adrian Boyer
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This paper describes the use of OSI/CCITT X.700 series system management standards to provide a unified system management architecture for the Iris tactical communications system being procured by the Canadian Army. Due to the complexity and dynamic nature of the Iris radio system, the realization of Iris system management required an innovative tailoring of EUROCOM D/Os concept and a creative application of OSI system management standards. It was soon found that EUROCOM D/O could benefit readily from the application of OSI system management standards. System management is concerned with the monitoring and control of resources. This paper seeks to answer the following questions concerning Iris system management: (1) How should the management view of the resources be described? (2) What should be the management operations on the resources? (3) Given that there are standards which address the above questions, how can the standards be applied to a military environment? The following sections include a brief overview of EUROCOM D/O and OSI system management standards, and a description of the standards tailored to the realization of Iris system management.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Adrian Boyer "Application of X.700 network management standards to a communications management system architecture", Proc. SPIE 3080, Digitization of the Battlefield II, (26 June 1997);
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Control systems

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

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Iris recognition

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