19 August 1997 Color machine vision system for process control in the ceramics industry
Jose A. Penaranda Marques, Leoncio Briones, Julian Florez
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This paper is focused on the design of a machine vision system to solve a problem found in the manufacturing process of high quality polished porcelain tiles. This consists of sorting the tiles according to the criteria 'same appearance to the human eye' or in other words, by color and visual texture. In 1994 this problem was tackled and led to a prototype which became fully operational at production scale in a manufacturing plant, named Porcelanatto, S.A. The system has evolved and has been adapted to meet the particular needs of this manufacturing company. Among the main issues that have been improved, it is worth pointing out: (1) improvement to discern subtle variations in color or texture, which are the main features of the visual appearance; (2) inspection time reduction, as a result of algorithm optimization and the increasing computing power. Thus, 100 percent of the production can be inspected, reaching a maximum of 120 tiles/sec.; (3) adaptation to the different types and models of tiles manufactured. The tiles vary not only in their visible patterns but also in dimensions, formats, thickness and allowances. In this sense, one major problem has been reaching an optimal compromise: The system must be sensitive enough to discern subtle variations in color, but at the same time insensitive thickness variations in the tiles. The following parts have been used to build the system: RGB color line scan camera, 12 bits per channel, PCI frame grabber, PC, fiber optic based illumination and the algorithm which will be explained in section 4.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jose A. Penaranda Marques, Leoncio Briones, and Julian Florez "Color machine vision system for process control in the ceramics industry", Proc. SPIE 3101, New Image Processing Techniques and Applications: Algorithms, Methods, and Components II, (19 August 1997); Logo
Cited by 23 scholarly publications.
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RGB color model


Machine vision




Automatic Inspection In Electronics Manufacturing
Proceedings of SPIE (November 17 1986)
Visual inspection by spectral features in the ceramics industry
Proceedings of SPIE (September 16 1999)
Quality control in tile production
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The promise and payoff of 2D and 3D machine vision...
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