22 December 1998 Feasible configurations of a repetitively pulsed TEA CO2 laser with small angular divergence and 1- kJ pulse energy
Victor P. Kalinin, Dmitri A. Goryachkin, Valentin M. Gromovenko, Nikolay A. Romanov, Andrey Yu. Rodionov, Sergei A. Dimakov, Valery M. Irtuganov, Victor I. Kuprenyuk, Vladimir E. Sherstobitov, Yuri A. Rezunkov
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Proceedings Volume 3574, XII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference; (1998)
Event: Twelfth International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference, 1998, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The results are presented of expert evaluations aimed at developing the optimal concept of creation of a compact TEA CO2 laser with a self-sustained discharge capable of generating the repetitive bursts of ten radiation pulses with 1 kJ-energy in each and the pulse repetition rate of 30 Hz. Particular emphasis is placed on the problems of achieving as small angular divergence and beam wandering as possible.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Victor P. Kalinin, Dmitri A. Goryachkin, Valentin M. Gromovenko, Nikolay A. Romanov, Andrey Yu. Rodionov, Sergei A. Dimakov, Valery M. Irtuganov, Victor I. Kuprenyuk, Vladimir E. Sherstobitov, and Yuri A. Rezunkov "Feasible configurations of a repetitively pulsed TEA CO2 laser with small angular divergence and 1- kJ pulse energy", Proc. SPIE 3574, XII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference, (22 December 1998); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Carbon dioxide lasers


Laser development


Phase conjugation

Pulsed laser operation



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