24 May 1999 Comparison of operation efficiency for the insert task when using stereoscopic images with additional lines, stereoscopic images, and a manipulator with force feedback
Katsuya Matsunaga, Kazunori Shidoji, Kenjiro Matsubara
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Proceedings Volume 3639, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VI; (1999)
Event: Electronic Imaging '99, 1999, San Jose, CA, United States
It has been reported that operation efficiency for the teleoperations using stereoscopic video images is lower than when using the naked eye in real environments. Here, the authors tried to improve the human-machine interface of this particular system to achieve higher operation efficiency for stereoscopic video imags by adding other information. An experiment was carried out under the four following conditions: when the insert task was performed by subjects using conventional stereoscopic video imags, when the centering lines of the cylindrical objects and holes were added to the conventional stereoscopic video images, when the force feedback was provided to the system manipulator as one object touched another object, and when both of the additional centering lines and force feedback were provided. The subject's task was to inset a cylindrical object into a round hole. The completion time was measured from the time of the starting signal to the time when the object was inserted into the hole. Completion time, when additional lines were given, was shorter than when the force feedback was provided, and when no additional information was provided. It was concluded that additional visual information contributed more to the recognition of the space rather than providing additional information about surface phenomena.
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Katsuya Matsunaga, Kazunori Shidoji, and Kenjiro Matsubara "Comparison of operation efficiency for the insert task when using stereoscopic images with additional lines, stereoscopic images, and a manipulator with force feedback", Proc. SPIE 3639, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VI, (24 May 1999); Logo
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Information visualization



Time metrology

Human-machine interfaces


Stereoscopic displays


Scalable hierarchical video summary and search
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Telerobotic control with stereoscopic augmented reality
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