19 July 1999 Suboptical wavelength atomic gratings generated in a time-domain interferometer
Andrey V. Turlapov, Dmitry V. Strekalov, A. Kumarakrishnan, Sydney B. Cahn, A. Karpf, Tycho Sleator
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Proceedings Volume 3749, 18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics; (1999)
Event: ICO XVIII 18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, 1999, San Francisco, CA, United States
We have studied sub-optical wavelength atomic gratings generated by the interference of atomic de Broglie waves in a time-domain interferometer. Three short optical standing- wave pulses, detuned from resonance with a cloud of approximately 100 (mu) K 85Rb atoms, act as phase gratings for atomic matter waves. Shortly after the first pulse, a modulation in the atomic density containing spatial harmonics of period (lambda) /2N appears ((lambda) is the optical wavelength, and N is any integer) and then rapidly vanishes due to the atomic thermal motion. The cloud maintains phase memory of this modulation, however, and the second pulse (applied at time T after the first one) results in a temporal sequence of atomic density gratings of periods (lambda) /2N. The appearance of a grating is referred to as an echo. The third pulse (and a subsequent traveling wave pulse) is used to detect these gratings. By this technique, we have created and detected in real time a grating with period (lambda) /4 at time 1.5T after the first pulse and observed new types of `echoes' caused by interaction of the de Broglie waves with all three phase gratings. This ability to produce sub-wavelength structures makes our techniques applicable to atomic beam lithography.
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Andrey V. Turlapov, Dmitry V. Strekalov, A. Kumarakrishnan, Sydney B. Cahn, A. Karpf, and Tycho Sleator "Suboptical wavelength atomic gratings generated in a time-domain interferometer", Proc. SPIE 3749, 18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, (19 July 1999);
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