24 November 1999 Integrated online job-shop scheduling system
Xing Zhao, Kuan H. Chen, Peter B. Luh, T. D. Chiueh, ShihChang Chang, Lakshman S. Thakur
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The rapid development of information technology and e- commerce requires fast response form scheduling systems. Based on the Lagrangian relaxation approach for job shop scheduling, this paper present an integrated system that will generate schedules quickly. The Lagrangian relaxation approach is an iterative optimization process, where dynamic programming is solved in each iteration. Since dynamic programming is computational expensive especially for large problems, this paper develops the simplified dynamic programming, which will cut the computation time of each iteration by one order. Furthermore, a digital circuit to be embedded in PC is designed to implement the iterative optimization algorithm, leading to another order of speed improvement. The resulting integrated scheduling system consists of the hardware for optimization and the related software. It is estimated that two orders of magnitude gain in speed can be obtained, which will make on-line scheduling for practical job shops possible.
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Xing Zhao, Kuan H. Chen, Peter B. Luh, T. D. Chiueh, ShihChang Chang, and Lakshman S. Thakur "Integrated online job-shop scheduling system", Proc. SPIE 3832, Sensors and Controls for Intelligent Machining and Manufacturing Mechatronics, (24 November 1999); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Computer programming

System integration

Optimization (mathematics)


Digital electronics

Information technology

Control systems

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