3 May 2000 Effect of the ratio difference of overlapped areas of stereoscopic images on each eye in a teleoperation
Katsuya Matsunaga, Tomohide Yamamoto, Kazunori Shidoji, Yuji Matsuki
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It is reported that the efficiency of a teleoperation in stereoscopic images of the working site is lower than that in the direct viewing of the site. It is assumed that one of the causes of lower efficiency of the teleoperation in the stereoscopic images would be the difficulty of the fusion of image, which would be caused by the imperfect overlapping of image on each eye. Through most of a teleoperation the convergence of the stereoscopic cameras is fixed at a certain point, usually in the middle of the working area. When the plane of the operator's eye-fixation-point is apart from the plane of the convergence point of the stereoscopic cameras, the two images do not overlap perfectly. It requires a great deal of effort for the images to be fused when the difference of the depth of two places is over a certain value. We hypothesized that imperfect overlapping of the images on the left and right eyes would cause a decrease in efficiency for a teleoperation. We examined the efficiency of a teleoperation in tow kinds of camera convergence conditions in a virtual reality (VR) environment. (Condition 1): The convergence point of the cameras follows the point on the target object on which subjects fixate with their both eyes, the ratio of the overlapped area of two images is always nearly at maximum. (Condition 2): The convergence point of both cameras is not set on the target object, but at the center of the hole- base. The large the difference between the plane of the camera's convergence point and the plane of the subject's fixation point becomes, the more the rate of the overlapped are of the two images decreases. We prepared four cylinders and ahole-base with four holes in which the cylinders were inserted. The subject was asked to insert a cylinder in a hole using a 3D mouse which allows free movement in the VR space. We measured the completion times of the operation and the number of errors in each condition to evaluate the efficiency of the operation. As a result of the experiment, the completion times of the operation and the number of errors under nearly-perfectly overlapped conditions were significantly smaller than the ones under the conditions in which the overlapping is less than maximum value. The experiment revealed work performance decreased when the ratio of overlapping of two images, which were projected on each eye, is less than maximum value. These result led to the conclusion that in order to achieve good performance in a teleoperation, the convergence point of the cameras should follow the target object on which subjects fixate with their both eyes.
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Katsuya Matsunaga, Tomohide Yamamoto, Kazunori Shidoji, and Yuji Matsuki "Effect of the ratio difference of overlapped areas of stereoscopic images on each eye in a teleoperation", Proc. SPIE 3957, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VII, (3 May 2000); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications and 4 patents.
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Image fusion


Stereoscopic cameras

Virtual reality


Liquid crystals


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