9 June 2000 Instrumented monitoring of the Commodore Barry Bridge
Raymond A. Barrish Jr., Kirk A. Grimmelsman, A. Emin Aktan
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The Drexel Intelligent Infrastructure and Transportation Safety Institute, working in partnership with the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA), has been investigating the application of various health monitoring techniques to long span bridges. Specifically, the researchers efforts have focused on the Commodore Barry Bridge, a major cantilevered through truss bridge owned by the DRPA. Health monitoring, in the case of civil infrastructure systems, may be considered as measuring and tracking the operating and loading environment of a structure and corresponding structural responses in order to detect and evaluate operational anomalies and deterioration or damage that may impact service or safety reliability. This paper describes the development and implementation of the health monitoring system that has been installed on the Commodore Barry Bridge. Issues that should be considered when conducting health monitoring of long span bridges are also discussed. The health monitoring system takes advantage of in excess of 100 data channels to continuously track the loading environment and numerous structural responses of the bridge. The major attributes of the health monitoring system for this bridge, many of which are applicable for use on other long span bridges, are also presented and described.
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Raymond A. Barrish Jr., Kirk A. Grimmelsman, and A. Emin Aktan "Instrumented monitoring of the Commodore Barry Bridge", Proc. SPIE 3995, Nondestructive Evaluation of Highways, Utilities, and Pipelines IV, (9 June 2000); Logo
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