30 May 2000 Quality meter and digital television applications
Pierre Bretillon, Nathalie Montard, Jamal Baina, Gabriel Goudezeune
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Proceedings Volume 4067, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000; (2000)
Event: Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000, 2000, Perth, Australia
In today's television competitive environment, quality of service is critical. For network providers, the delivered quality of service is usually a matter of technical signal quality. However, with the current development of digital broadcasting, the quality of service that is provided to the end-user is one of the most important performance criterion. Thus, perceived image and sound quality are important and must be monitored. This paper addresses the issue of video quality monitoring in digital television networks. Many approaches to objective video quality assessment have been proposed and are being evaluated by normalization bodies. In order to build and apply in-service measurement, we propose a global model describing the whole approach and the different technical solution. Our technical solution is a double-ended with reduced reference method. Video quality assessment of digital television signals in a broadcasting network sets strong technical constraints. The reduced reference, a comparative approach, is well adapted since it has a moderate technical complexity and because it informs on any distortion in the network. The proposed method has been implemented and tested in a range of situations on simulated and real DVB networks. Three main applications are presented, network monitoring, DVB-T coverage area determination, and laboratory tests. This allows concluding that in-service measurements are the only valid measurements for end-to-end transmissions.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pierre Bretillon, Nathalie Montard, Jamal Baina, and Gabriel Goudezeune "Quality meter and digital television applications", Proc. SPIE 4067, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000, (30 May 2000); Logo
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