6 October 2000 Evaluation and suppression of systematic errors in optical subwavelength gratings
Bernd Schnabel, Ernst-Bernhard Kley
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Proceedings Volume 4231, Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology 2000; (2000)
Event: International Topical Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology, 2000, Chengdu, China
Optical subwavelength gratings are of growing interest for the realization of special optical effects such as artificial birefringence or antireflection layers, for example. The optical properties of such elements strongly depend on the accuracy of the fabrication technology and tools. Although e- beam lithography is known to be a high-accuracy fabrication method, even with this technology systematic grating errors may occur which affect the optical function. One example is the existence of grating ghosts (i.e. undesired propagating diffraction orders) which may occur even in the case of subwavelength grating periods. In this paper we describe how this effect is related to the address grid of the e-beam writer. Measurements of the diffraction spectrum of subwavelength gratings indicate the importance of this effect. The adaptation of grating period and address grid allows the fabrication of ghost-free subwavelength gratings.
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Bernd Schnabel and Ernst-Bernhard Kley "Evaluation and suppression of systematic errors in optical subwavelength gratings", Proc. SPIE 4231, Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology 2000, (6 October 2000); Logo
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