7 March 2003 CRIRES: a high-resolution infrared spectrograph for the VLT
Alan F. M. Moorwood, Peter Biereichel, Joar Brynnel, Bernard Delabre, Reinhold J. Dorn, Gert Finger, Francis Franza, Gotthard Huster, Yves Jung, Hans-Ulrich Kaeufl, Franz Koch, Markus E. Kasper, Raphael Lescouzeres, Jean-Luis Lizon, Hamid Mehrgan, Manfred Meyer, Jean-Francois Pirard, Ralf Siebenmorgen, Barbara Sokar, Joerg Stegmeier, Guenther Wiedemann
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CRIRES is a cryogenic, pre-dispersed, infrared echelle spectrograph designed to provide a resolving power of 105 between 1 and 5 μm at a Nasmyth focus of one of the 8m VLT telescopes. A curvature sensing adaptive optics sytem feed is used to minimize slit losses and a 4096x512 pixel mosaic of Aladdin arrays is being developed to maximixe the free spectral range covered in each order. Insertion of gas cells to measure high precision radial velocities is foreseen and the possibility of combining a Fresnel rhomb with a Wollaston prism for magnetic Doppler imaging is under study. Installation at the VLT is scheduled during the second half of 2004. Here we briefly recall the major design features of CRIRES and describe its current development status.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alan F. M. Moorwood, Peter Biereichel, Joar Brynnel, Bernard Delabre, Reinhold J. Dorn, Gert Finger, Francis Franza, Gotthard Huster, Yves Jung, Hans-Ulrich Kaeufl, Franz Koch, Markus E. Kasper, Raphael Lescouzeres, Jean-Luis Lizon, Hamid Mehrgan, Manfred Meyer, Jean-Francois Pirard, Ralf Siebenmorgen, Barbara Sokar, Joerg Stegmeier, and Guenther Wiedemann "CRIRES: a high-resolution infrared spectrograph for the VLT", Proc. SPIE 4841, Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes, (7 March 2003); Logo
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Adaptive optics


Infrared radiation



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