26 January 2005 Experimental study on a long-pulse excimer laser system
Jingru Liu, Xueqing Zhao, Aiping Yi, Yongsheng Zhang, Li Yu, Lianying Ma, Ke Huang, Ying Tang, Xin Huang, Chao Huang, Hang Qian, Hengqi Hua, Xiaoxia An, Guoxing Zheng, Weiwei Xiao, Xisheng Ye, Valery F. Losev, Boris M. Kovalchuk, Viktor F. Tarasenko, Yury N. Panchenko, Nikolai G. Ivanov, Valery B. Zorin, Victor S. Skakun, Ivan N. Konovalov, Alexei N. Panchenko, E. N. Abdullin, V. S. Tolkachev
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A four-stage XeCl laser system named Photons has been developed for studying laser interaction with materials. The Photons are outlined and preliminary results characterizing the system are given. The master oscillator Photon-1 can provide “seed” light with laser energy of about 40mJ, pulse duration of about 250ns and good beam quality of nearly diffraction-limited divergence angle and narrow line width less than 1 cm-1 for whole system. The output energy of laser system of 251J has been obtained by four-stage amplification. The synchronization among five lasers is realized by the combination of low voltage timer, high voltage synchronic generators and compensated cables. The demonstration shows Photons good operation with low jitter of less than ±20ns.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jingru Liu, Xueqing Zhao, Aiping Yi, Yongsheng Zhang, Li Yu, Lianying Ma, Ke Huang, Ying Tang, Xin Huang, Chao Huang, Hang Qian, Hengqi Hua, Xiaoxia An, Guoxing Zheng, Weiwei Xiao, Xisheng Ye, Valery F. Losev, Boris M. Kovalchuk, Viktor F. Tarasenko, Yury N. Panchenko, Nikolai G. Ivanov, Valery B. Zorin, Victor S. Skakun, Ivan N. Konovalov, Alexei N. Panchenko, E. N. Abdullin, and V. S. Tolkachev "Experimental study on a long-pulse excimer laser system", Proc. SPIE 5627, High-Power Lasers and Applications III, (26 January 2005);
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Laser systems engineering

Gas lasers

High power lasers

Excimer lasers

Laser energy



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