20 January 2005 Measuring the system gain of the TDI CCD remote sensing camera
Yaxia Liu, Hai-ming Bao, Jie Li, Jin Ruan, Zhihang Hao
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The gain of a TDI CCD camera is the conversion between the number of electrons recorded by the TDI CCD and the number of digital units (counts) contained in the CCD image[1]. TDI CCD camera has been a main technical approach for meeting the requirements of high-resolution and lightweight of remote sensing equipment. It is useful to know this conversion for evaluating the performance of the TDI CCD camera. In general, a lower gain is better. However, this is only true as long as the total well depth (number of electrons that a pixel can hold) of the pixels can be represented. High gains result in higher digitization noise. System gains are designed to be a compromise between the extremes of high digitization noise and loss of well depth. In this paper, the mathematical theory is given behind the gain calculation on a TDI CCD camera and shows how the mathematics suggests ways to measure the gain accurately according to the Axiom Tech. The gains were computed using the mean-variance method, also known as the method of photon transfer curves. This method uses the effect of quantization on the variance in the measured counts over a uniformly illuminated patch of the detector. This derivation uses the concepts of signal and noise. A linear fit is done of variance vs. mean; the resulting slope is the gain of the TDI CCD. We did the experiments using the Integration Sphere in order to get a flat field effects. We calculated the gain of the four IT-EI-2048 TDI CCD. The results and figures of the four TDI CCD are given.
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Yaxia Liu, Hai-ming Bao, Jie Li, Jin Ruan, and Zhihang Hao "Measuring the system gain of the TDI CCD remote sensing camera", Proc. SPIE 5633, Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging II, (20 January 2005); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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CCD cameras

Charge-coupled devices


Interference (communication)

CCD image sensors

Optical spheres

Remote sensing


The progress of sub-pixel imaging methods
Proceedings of SPIE (February 21 2014)
Scanned Projection Radiography With A Slot Beam
Proceedings of SPIE (June 27 1988)
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