13 June 2006 Optical study of CdSexSl-x crystals doped with Cr
Vladimir Kasiyan, Zinovi Dashevsky, Roni Shneck, Yuri Korostelin, Alexander Landman
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Proceedings Volume 5946, Optical Materials and Applications; 594612 (2006)
Event: Optical Materials and Applications, 2005, Tartu, Estonia
Solid-state broadband lasers emitting in the 2-4 μm region are of interest for a variety of applications. However, conventional lasers for these wavelengths have limitations, such as the complexity and cryogenic operation. Recently, alternative materials for the mid-IR lasers--Cr2+-doped II-VI chalcogenide crystals-have been proposed. The RT mid- IR absorption in these crystals is due to the effective Cr2+ intracenter transitions. We present the results of an investigation of the Cr2+ crystals. The crystals were grown from the CdSe source by seeded physical vapor transport in the helium atmosphere with a wafer of CdSexS1-x as a seed. A CrSe source was used for the growth-time doping. The changing sulfur content along the growth axis was determined by energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis. An absorption peak in the IR range of 1.5-2.2 μm due to the Cr2+ intracenter transition 5T2->5E of ions was revealed. The maximum peak absorption was determined to be 4.5 cm-1. The concentration of the 2+ ions in the samples calculated from the IR absorption was found to vary fkom 1x1017 to 3x1018 cm-3. With the sulfur content, the intracenter absorption peak shifts to shorter wavelengths.
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Vladimir Kasiyan, Zinovi Dashevsky, Roni Shneck, Yuri Korostelin, and Alexander Landman "Optical study of CdSexSl-x crystals doped with Cr", Proc. SPIE 5946, Optical Materials and Applications, 594612 (13 June 2006); Logo
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