21 April 2006 Development of I.R. micro-electro-optical devices: new methods and new results
N. P. Eisenberg, M. Manevich, A. Arsh, M. Klebanov, V. Lyubin
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Different methods of fabrication of micro-optical devices for the Infra-Red (I.R.) such as micro-lens, micro-prism, micro-mirror arrays and Fresnel lenses based on the use of chalcogenide photoresists are described. In chalcogenide photoresists, two photoinduced phenomena are observed: photoinduced structural transformations and photoinduced diffusion of some metals, primarily, silver, and both phenomena enabled the development of new types of I.R micro-optical devices. The use of a new three-component As-S-Se photoresist and a new efficient amine-based selective developer allows for the realization of soft contrast characteristics of the photolithographic process with a Xe-source of light. Recent progress in the development of devices using photostructural transformations based on these two innovations will be described. Devices using the photoinduced silver diffusion are based on the different dissolution rate (in selective etchants) of the non-doped and silver-doped chalcogenide films. Parameters and characteristics of several micro-optical devices made using this effect are compared and discussed.
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N. P. Eisenberg, M. Manevich, A. Arsh, M. Klebanov, and V. Lyubin "Development of I.R. micro-electro-optical devices: new methods and new results", Proc. SPIE 6185, Micro-Optics, VCSELs, and Photonic Interconnects II: Fabrication, Packaging, and Integration, 618519 (21 April 2006);
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Fresnel lenses

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