28 June 2006 HAWK-I: the new wide-field IR imager for the VLT
Mark Casali, Jean-Francois Pirard, Markus Kissler-Patig, Alan Moorwood, Luigi Bedin, Peter Biereichel, Bernard Delabre, Reinhold Dorn, Gert Finger, Domingo Gojak, Gotthard Huster, Yves Jung, Franz Koch, Jean-Louis Lizon, Leander Mehrgan, Eszter Pozna, Armin Silber, Barbara Sokar, Joerg Stegmeier
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HAWK-I is a new wide-field infrared camera under development at ESO. With four Hawaii-2RG detectors, a 7.5 arcminute square field of view and 0.1 arcsecond pixels, it will be an optimum imager for the VLT, and a major enhancement to existing and future infrared capabilities at ESO. HAWK-I will eventually make use of ground-layer AO achieved through a deformable secondary mirror/laser guide star facility planned for the VLT.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mark Casali, Jean-Francois Pirard, Markus Kissler-Patig, Alan Moorwood, Luigi Bedin, Peter Biereichel, Bernard Delabre, Reinhold Dorn, Gert Finger, Domingo Gojak, Gotthard Huster, Yves Jung, Franz Koch, Jean-Louis Lizon, Leander Mehrgan, Eszter Pozna, Armin Silber, Barbara Sokar, and Joerg Stegmeier "HAWK-I: the new wide-field IR imager for the VLT", Proc. SPIE 6269, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, 62690W (28 June 2006); Logo
Cited by 16 scholarly publications.
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Infrared imaging

Adaptive optics

Imaging systems

Computer aided design

Galactic astronomy

Infrared cameras


Supervisering system by infrared/visible image
Proceedings of SPIE (December 01 1990)
New infrared optical system for spaceborne instruments
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METIS: the thermal infrared instrument for the E-ELT
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