15 April 2008 State of the art and recent development of embedded network solutions research
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Recently we could observe a huge change in the mobile industry when the original idea of mobile phone was transformed into the new concept of mobile multimedia devices capable to perform multiple complex tasks and integrating a number of functionalities. As a consequence it resulted in significant increase of the device integration time and cost and complicated deployment of the new technologies. The device integrators are forced to favor modularity everywhere where it is possible in design of new devices, which results in a new trend towards networked architectures for the mobile devices. However, moving towards networked architectures specifically designed to overcome limitations brought by the mobile devices is a time consuming task. It requires fresh mind analysis of many solutions applied in other contexts, since some of the constraints and requirements are unique in comparison with e.g. SoC, NoC, which are the most known embedded network solutions, and of course they are significantly different comparing to the wide area networks. The main differentiating factors are: strongly constrained power consumption by the battery life time; and a need for modular architecture to allow reuse of the existing components or modules. The paper provides an overview of the state of art in the embedded networks research and describes general background for our studies, key assumptions, restrictions and limitations that we faced at the beginning of development of the embedded networks architecture for mobile devices.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michel Gillet and Sergey Balandin "State of the art and recent development of embedded network solutions research", Proc. SPIE 6983, Defense and Security 2008: Special Sessions on Food Safety, Visual Analytics, Resource Restricted Embedded and Sensor Networks, and 3D Imaging and Display, 69830H (15 April 2008); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Mobile devices

Network architectures

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