28 May 2009 Polytopol computing for multi-core and distributed systems
Henk Spaanenburg, Lambert Spaanenburg, Johan Ranefors
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Proceedings Volume 7363, VLSI Circuits and Systems IV; 736307 (2009)
Event: SPIE Europe Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, 2009, Dresden, Germany
Multi-core computing provides new challenges to software engineering. The paper addresses such issues in the general setting of polytopol computing, that takes multi-core problems in such widely differing areas as ambient intelligence sensor networks and cloud computing into account. It argues that the essence lies in a suitable allocation of free moving tasks. Where hardware is ubiquitous and pervasive, the network is virtualized into a connection of software snippets judiciously injected to such hardware that a system function looks as one again. The concept of polytopol computing provides a further formalization in terms of the partitioning of labor between collector and sensor nodes. Collectors provide functions such as a knowledge integrator, awareness collector, situation displayer/reporter, communicator of clues and an inquiry-interface provider. Sensors provide functions such as anomaly detection (only communicating singularities, not continuous observation), they are generally powered or self-powered, amorphous (not on a grid) with generation-and-attrition, field re-programmable, and sensor plug-and-play-able. Together the collector and the sensor are part of the skeleton injector mechanism, added to every node, and give the network the ability to organize itself into some of many topologies. Finally we will discuss a number of applications and indicate how a multi-core architecture supports the security aspects of the skeleton injector.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Henk Spaanenburg, Lambert Spaanenburg, and Johan Ranefors "Polytopol computing for multi-core and distributed systems", Proc. SPIE 7363, VLSI Circuits and Systems IV, 736307 (28 May 2009); Logo
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