1 September 2009 Molecular states in double quantum wells: nanochemistry for metatmaterials with new optical properties
Rafael M. Gutierrez, Arcesio Castañeda
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Quantum mechanics explains the existence and properties of the chemical bond responsible for the formation of molecules from isolated atoms. In this work we study quantum states of Double Quantum Wells, DQW, formed from isolated Single Quantum Wells, SQWs, that can be considered metamaterials. Using the quantum chemistry definition of the covalent bond, we discuss molecular states in DQW as a kind of nanochemistry of metamaterials with new properties, in particular new optical properties. An important particularity of such nanochemistry, is the possible experimental control of the geometrical parameters and effective masses characterizing the semiconductor heterostructures represented by the corresponding DQW. This implies a great potential for new applications of the controlled optical properties of the metamaterials. The use of ab initio methods of intensive numerical calculations permits to obtain macroscopic optical properties of the metamaterials from the fundamental components: the spatial distribution of the atoms and molecules constituting the semiconductor layers. The metamaterial new optical properties emerge from the coexistence of many body processes at atomic and molecular level and complex quantum phenomena such as covalent-like bonds at nanometric dimensions.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rafael M. Gutierrez and Arcesio Castañeda "Molecular states in double quantum wells: nanochemistry for metatmaterials with new optical properties", Proc. SPIE 7392, Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications II, 73920M (1 September 2009);
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Chemical species


Quantum wells



Optical properties

Gallium arsenide

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