23 October 2009 Simulation of giant magnetoimpedance in single layer and sandwiched thin films
Fang Jin, Wenqin Mo, Huajun Sun, Weiming Cheng
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The giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect implies a strong dependence of the impedance of a conductor on the external magnetic field and has been observed in a wide range of soft magnetic materials. The impedance values of magnetic thin films and magnetic/conductor/magnetic sandwiched structures with different thickness are simulated using the finite element method (FEM). The giant magneto-impedance (GMI) is calculated from the difference of the impedance values with high and low permeability of the magnetic material. The application of extra magnetic field can be simulated by change the value of permeability. It is shown that the GMI ratio of films is significantly influenced by the geometry. And the conductor layer can obviously increase the sensitivity of GMI effect. The skin effect combined with the lack of shielding of the central conductor at the edge produce the high GMI effect of sandwiched structure thin films.
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Fang Jin, Wenqin Mo, Huajun Sun, and Weiming Cheng "Simulation of giant magnetoimpedance in single layer and sandwiched thin films", Proc. SPIE 7517, Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2009: Optical Storage and New Storage Technologies, 751716 (23 October 2009);
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Thin films

Finite element methods




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