21 February 2011 1 kW cw Yb-fiber-amplifier with <0.5GHz linewidth and near-diffraction limited beam-quality for coherent combining application
Doruk Engin, Wei Lu, Mehmetcan Akbulut, Bruce McIntosh, Horacio Verdun, Shantanu Gupta
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In this paper, we present results on a master-oscillator Yb-doped fiber amplifier with 1 kW cw output power (at 1064nm), and near-diffraction limited beam quality (M2<1.4), with internal quantum efficiency >83%. The final amplifier stage uses a very high Yb-doped 35-um core LMA fiber, using a new process recipe that virtually eliminates photo-darkening. As a result, high efficiency, SBS-free operation to 1 kW cw power level is obtained, with a phase modulation bandwidth of only 450MHz, well below other reported results. To enable single-frequency cw power scaling to kW levels, we investigate LMA fiber waveguide designs exploiting gain-discrimination, using partially Yb-doped LMA fiber cores, with various diameters up to 80-um. SBS-free, singlefrequency (few kHz) operation is demonstrated up to 0.9kW cw power. At the lower cw powers (<200W) neardiffraction limited beam-quality is obtained, but is observed to deteriorate at higher cw powers. We discuss potential causes, and present a detailed simulation model of kW large-core fiber-amplifiers, that includes all guided modes, fiber bend, transverse spatial hole burning, gain-tailoring, mode-scattering, SBS nonlinearity, and various thermal effects. This model shows good agreement with the observed single-frequency power scaling and beam-quality characteristics.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Doruk Engin, Wei Lu, Mehmetcan Akbulut, Bruce McIntosh, Horacio Verdun, and Shantanu Gupta "1 kW cw Yb-fiber-amplifier with <0.5GHz linewidth and near-diffraction limited beam-quality for coherent combining application", Proc. SPIE 7914, Fiber Lasers VIII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 791407 (21 February 2011); Logo
Cited by 24 scholarly publications and 4 patents.
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Phase modulation


Continuous wave operation

Fiber lasers

Fiber amplifiers


Laser scattering

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