4 October 2011 About the nature of the coherence of light waves
Petro O. Demianenko, Kostiantyn P. Demianenko, Fedir P. Demianenko, Yuri F. Zinkovskiy
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The nature of electromagnetic (EM) phenomena, including light, is not fully clear. Postulated rejection of EM ether as a hypothetical habitat and distribution of EM waves, holds in the uncertainty and the problem of understanding the existence of most of these waves, because the notion of "wave" inseparable from the concept of "environment". EM ether, as a hypothetical environment of origin and propagation of EM waves, was declined by postulate. This keeps the uncertainty in the problem of understanding the existence of these waves actually, since the definition of "wave" is an part of the definition of "environment". The input in physics of the concept of wave "coherence", which was necessary to explain the phenomenon of interference of light, also requires a transparent physical interpretation. Today use of the idea of the several-meters - length wave zugs, which are emitted by individual atoms, is at least unconvincing, thus there is technical ability to generate powerful light pulses of 10-15 s. A quantum model of the structure of the optical packet stream, which provides a transparent physical interpretation of all parameters of coherent light, is offered. In this model parameters of coherence are organically linked with the geometry parameters of the quantum packets. Developments of classical wave optics will not be discarded. To coordinate with the quantum-packet model and modern views about the nature of light, we either give them a new interpretation or adjust, or develop these developments. In particular, a new interpretation of the experimental fact increase the radius of coherence of light coming from distant sources (stars) is offered. Modern conception of light corpuscles-photons is formulated. The estimations of the size of the spatial localization of the photon is received. "Diffraction of photons" is considered.
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Petro O. Demianenko, Kostiantyn P. Demianenko, Fedir P. Demianenko, and Yuri F. Zinkovskiy "About the nature of the coherence of light waves", Proc. SPIE 8171, Physical Optics, 817108 (4 October 2011); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Chemical species




Coherence (optics)


Solar radiation


The nature of light: what are photons?
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