9 February 2012 Long-term effects of laser-imiquimod combination in the treatment of late-stage melanoma patients
Mark F. Naylor, Henry Le, Xiaosong Li, Robert E. Nordquist, Tomas Hode, Hong Liu, Wei R. Chen
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Proceedings Volume 8224, Biophotonics and Immune Responses VII; 822406 (2012)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2012, San Francisco, California, United States
Topical application of a potent immunological modulator, imiquimod, followed by laser irradiation has been used for the treatment of late-stage melanoma patients. This novel approach, laser-assisted laser immunotherapy (LIT), targets the root course of melanoma, a highly metastatic cancer. We started a phase I clinical trial in 2006 with promising initial outcomes. The laser-imiquimod combination showed significant palliative effects for these patients with multiple treatment cycles. For the returning patients, we found that the recurrent tumors were less aggressive than usually seen in untreated patients. The current protocol uses a light-absorbing dye for selective laser photothermal interaction with a non-invasive treatment mode. It has limitations for patient treatment, particularly for large, deeper tumors, and for patients with dark pigmented skins. This study provides some information on the treated patients (both stage IV and stage IV) during the past several years. We also discuss the future directions of LIT, particularly in the area of photothermal treatment mode with a new approach of interstitial irradiation. The current results in melanoma treatment using LIT indicate that the combination of photothermal therapy and immunological stimulation may hold the key for the treatment of late-stage, metastatic cancers, not only for cutaneous cancers such as melanoma and breast cancer, but also for deep and internal tumors using different operations modes such as interstitial laser irradiation.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mark F. Naylor, Henry Le, Xiaosong Li, Robert E. Nordquist, Tomas Hode, Hong Liu, and Wei R. Chen "Long-term effects of laser-imiquimod combination in the treatment of late-stage melanoma patients", Proc. SPIE 8224, Biophotonics and Immune Responses VII, 822406 (9 February 2012);
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