16 April 2012 Investigation and mitigation of field-edge CDU fingerprint for ArFi lithography for 45-nm to sub-28-nm logic nodes
Bertrand Le-Gratiet, Jo Finders, Orion Mouraille, Rene Queens, Maryana Escalante, Bart Smeets, Jan Beltman, Karine Jullian
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Proceedings Volume 8352, 28th European Mask and Lithography Conference; 83520C (2012)
Event: 28th European Mask and Lithography Conference (EMLC 2012), 2012, Dresden, Germany
While looking for intrafield CD variability budget definition we have observed that mask CDU correlates much better to silicon intrafield CDU when it is combined with an edge of field overexposure. This parasitic light diffusion into the field from the edge, generating a localized overexposure, is related to a mechanism called Out-Of-Field straylight. In this paper we will show evidences of this straylight mechanism, from specific experiments as well as from inline intrafield CDU analysis. In parallel we will detail specific scanner and masks tests that are being done attempting to quantify and understand this phenomenon. During this first characterisation phase we have also seen that this signature is quite systematic from a scanner to another and could be somehow modulated by the mask itself (transmission and absorber type). Today straylight is modelled in our APC as a unique contribution added to the mask and further investigations are needed to fully characterize it.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bertrand Le-Gratiet, Jo Finders, Orion Mouraille, Rene Queens, Maryana Escalante, Bart Smeets, Jan Beltman, and Karine Jullian "Investigation and mitigation of field-edge CDU fingerprint for ArFi lithography for 45-nm to sub-28-nm logic nodes", Proc. SPIE 8352, 28th European Mask and Lithography Conference, 83520C (16 April 2012); Logo
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