We consider equivalency models, including matrix-matrix and matrix-tensor and with the dual adaptive-weighted
correlation, multi-port neural-net auto-associative and hetero-associative memory (MP NN AAM and HAP), which are
equivalency paradigm and the theoretical basis of our work. We make a brief overview of the possible implementations
of the MP NN AAM and of their architectures proposed and investigated earlier by us. The main base unit of such
architectures is a matrix-matrix or matrix-tensor equivalentor. We show that the MP NN AAM based on the equivalency
paradigm and optoelectronic architectures with space-time integration and parallel-serial 2D images processing have
advantages such as increased memory capacity (more than ten times of the number of neurons!), high performance in
different modes (1010 – 1012 connections per second!) And the ability to process, store and associatively recognize highly
correlated images. Next, we show that with minor modifications, such MP NN AAM can be successfully used for highperformance
parallel clustering processing of images. We show simulation results of using these modifications for
clustering and learning models and algorithms for cluster analysis of specific images and divide them into categories of
the array. Show example of a cluster division of 32 images (40x32 pixels) letters and graphics for 12 clusters with
simultaneous formation of the output-weighted space allocated images for each cluster. We discuss algorithms for
learning and self-learning in such structures and their comparative evaluations based on Mathcad simulations are made.
It is shown that, unlike the traditional Kohonen self-organizing maps, time of learning in the proposed structures of
multi-port neuronet classifier/clusterizer (MP NN C) on the basis of equivalency paradigm, due to their multi-port,
decreases by orders and can be, in some cases, just a few epochs. Estimates show that in the test clustering of 32 1280-
element images into 12 groups, the formation of neural connections of the matrix with dimension of 128x120 elements
occurs to tens of iterative steps (some epochs), and for a set of learning patterns consisting of 32 such images, and at
time of processing of 1-10 microseconds, the total learning time does not exceed a few milliseconds. We offer criteria for
the quality evaluation of patterns clustering with such MP NN AAM.