18 November 2013 Study of the ink-paper interaction by image analysis: surface and bulk inspection
Paulo T. Fiadeiro, António de O. Mendes, Ana M. M. Ramos, Sónia C. L. de Sousa
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Proceedings Volume 8785, 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications; 8785BV (2013)
Event: 8th Ibero American Optics Meeting/11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications, 2013, Porto, Portugal
In this work, two optical systems previously designed and implemented by our research team, were used to enable the surface and bulk inspection of the ink-paper interaction by image analysis. Basically, the first system works by ejecting micro-liter ink drops onto the papers surface while monitoring the event under three different views over time. The second system is used for sectioning the paper samples through their thickness and to simultaneously acquire images of the ink penetration of each section cut. In the performed experiments, three black inks of different brands and a common copy paper were chosen, used, and tested with the two developed optical systems. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out at the surface level and in the bulk of the paper. In terms of conclusions, it was shown that the three tested ink-paper combinations revealed very distinct characteristics.
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Paulo T. Fiadeiro, António de O. Mendes, Ana M. M. Ramos, and Sónia C. L. de Sousa "Study of the ink-paper interaction by image analysis: surface and bulk inspection", Proc. SPIE 8785, 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications, 8785BV (18 November 2013); Logo
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