Photonic crystal (PhC) waveguides are the prospective structures for high-speed optical micro-devices. Possessing high-effective light localization, such waveguides allow introducing active materials making additional all-optical signal control possible. The most effective from the technological point of view is embedding the PhC filters with characteristics close to the ones of the background PhC (i.e. with the same refractive index, PhC period, etc.). As has been shown in previous papers,
1, 2 such filters possess spectral characteristics that allow using them for processing the ultra-short pulses in case of either passive (implemented with linear materials) of active (with nonlinear materials) devices. Moreover, from the technological point of view such PhC waveguides with filters can be easily integrated into the electronic circuit which reduces costs and production time.
Unfortunately, optical losses and back reflection from such a filters makes them unsuitable for high-speed integrated optical circuits.
In this work we propose analysing both density of modes (DOM) and the transmission spectra to optimize the parameters of the PhC filters made of linear or nonlinear material.
Proposed characteristics have been first introduced to optimize the PhC filters used for wavelength division demultiplexing.
3 However, since waveguiding properties have not been taken into account, the photonic density of states maps as well as transmittance maps can be applied with high accuracy to a bulk PhC but not to confined PhC filter. Taking into account waveguiding properties provides great enhancement to the precision of characterization of the confined PhC filters.